Don Julio Blanco 375ml
Don Julio Blanco 375ml
High-quality white Tequila bottled immediately after distillation to maintain as much of the fresh agave flavour as possible. Size: 375ML Proof: 80 (40% ABV) Origin: United States Distillery: Don Julio Distillery Don Julio� Blanco Tequila is the base from which all of our other variants are derived. Commonly referred to as �silver� tequila, its crisp agave flavor and hints of citrus make it an essential component to a variety of innovative drinks including margaritas. It can also be enjoyed neat or on the rocks. Nose: Nose is Crisp agave aromas blended with hints of citrus notes - lemon, lime and grapefruit Palate: Palate is Light, sweet, agave flavor Finish: Clean and dry with a touch of black pepper and grassy undertones. Don Julio was founded in 1942, by Don Julio Gonz�lez-Frausto Estrada, who began distilling tequila at age 17. Don Julio tequilas are handcrafted in the Highlands of Jalisco, where the microclimate and mineral-rich clay soil allow the blue agave plant to flourish.
Sizes Available:
- 750ml
- 1.75l
- 375ml
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