Ink Gin | 700ML
Ink Gin | 700ML
This organic, small batch, Australian craft gin resulted from distiller Paul Messenger�s experimentations with an exotic flowering legume from Thailand known as the �Butterfly Pea� (Clitoria ternatea) in 2012. Size: 700ML Proof: 86 (43% ABV) Origin: Australia Distillery: Husk Distillers This organic, small batch, Australian craft gin resulted from distiller Paul Messenger�s experimentations with an exotic flowering legume from Thailand known as the �Butterfly Pea� (Clitoria ternatea) in 2012. Inspired by its colour changing properties, Messenger spent the next three years creating a recipe that would harmonise a range of botanicals, including the native Australian bush tucker, with the singular flower. Settling on balanced recipe of 12 botanicals, Ink Gin is placed in a hand-beaten copper pot still at the Husk Plantation Distillery, where it is combined with 100% Australian grain spirit and water from the volcanic rocks of the caldera that originally fell as rain. Nose: Aroma is very pleasant. Palate: Lovely, mild on the tongue with a slight burn at the end. Finish: Finish is lingering.
Sizes Available:
- 750ml
- 1.75l
- 375ml
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