Holly's Gin | 700ML
Holly's Gin | 700ML
Holly's Gin marries nine botanicals including passion flower, gentian root and orange, and is distilled in two 300 litre copper pot stills at Trevethan Distillery all the way over in Cornwall. Size: 700ML Proof: 84 (42% ABV) Origin: United Kingdom Distillery: Holly's Holly's Gin marries nine botanicals including passion flower, gentian root and orange, and is distilled in two 300 litre copper pot stills at Trevethan Distillery all the way over in Cornwall. The bottle is Art Deco inspired and makes for a colourful change to your drinks cabinet! Cheers, Holly! Nose: Delightful aroma. Palate: This is extremely rich and very balanced in taste. Finish: Quite rich and lovely smooth texture.
Sizes Available:
- 750ml
- 1.75l
- 375ml
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