Ten Shilling Gin | 700ML
Ten Shilling Gin | 700ML
A solid London dry gin from the gang at Gorilla Spirits! Ten Shilling Gin is distilled in Hampshire, with a selection of eight different botanicals, for a classic citrus and juniper-forward profile. Just the thing for G&Ts, and a fab base for cocktails too. Order from the Largest & Most Trusted Premium Spirits Marketplace! ALL ORDERS PLACED ARE GUARANTEED and WILL NOT be cancelled like with other retailers. Many other small liquor store sites will end up cancelling your order due to the high demand and unavailability. Size: 700ML Proof: 80 (40%ABV) Origin: United Kingdom Distillery: Gorilla Spirits A solid London dry gin from the gang at Gorilla Spirits! Ten Shilling Gin is distilled in Hampshire, with a selection of eight different botanicals, for a classic citrus and juniper-forward profile. Just the thing for G&Ts, and a fab base for cocktails too. Nose: It has very pleasant and lovely aromas. Palate: Crisp lemon peels and resinous juniper, with delicate spice. Finish: Finishing up with prickles of peppery warmth. Gorilla Spirits Co. was founded by Andy Daniels in 2015 and the distillery is located in the northeast corner of Hampshire as it borders with Surrey. The name is inspired by the brand�s cause, which is to assist with the plight of the mountain gorilla. This is why, for every bottle of gin, vodka or liqueur you buy from Gorilla Spirits, �1 goes to The Gorilla Organization. You won�t just enjoy the feeling of contributing to a fantastic cause, however. Gorilla Spirits Co. range of small-batch expressions are not only delicious but award-winning as well. You can find out more here. It's a lovely little blog post on the distillery featuring Mr Daniels himself.
Sizes Available:
- 750ml
- 1.75l
- 375ml
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